
NAPFA CEs可以接受哪些课程?

作为总CE要求的一部分, the 30 CEs specifically required from NAPFA-approved sources (or 15 CEs for those joining on or after July 1, 2025) must be from live programs or recorded/self-study courses (excluding reading trade journals/magazines) that are offered by/accepted by NAPFA, CFP®, 非洲金融共同体, 注册会计师, 继续教育, 俱乐部, IRS, ChFC, CIMA, 中集, CPWA, c反应蛋白, RICP, CDFA, AIF或州IAR或执照要求. 您将在“课堂/网络”的学习类型下报告这些ce NAPFA学习中心.

大学水平的财务规划课程, 或为获得指定而修的课程, count for the number of semester hours earned or the number of CFP® CEs earned; otherwise, 他们没有获得NAPFA ce. 寻求其他项目的批准, 请提交完整资料, 包括节目链接, 到 NAPFA教育部门.

只适用于达到60或45平均分的会员: the remaining CEs to achieve the total CEs required may come from a wider range of programs, 也可能包括其他研究类型的ce, 包括阅读, 教学/展示, 写作, 或公益服务.


我在两年的CE课程中达到60或45的CE要求. How do I earn CEs for the activities of Reading, 教学/展示, 写作, 或公益服务?

  • 阅读(记录为学习类型“阅读”) – A total of 8 hours of the remaining 30 CEs to achieve the 60 CEs required (or 15 CEs to achieve 45 CEs) may be acquired by reading books/journals/magazines. (自我报告阅读ce, you’ll list the publisher/publication/author’s name in “Sponsored By” and the book/magazine title and published/issued date in “Program Name.”)
    • 无论页数多少,每本书都算作1 CE. 书籍必须是在最近5年内出版的.
    • Each trade/professional magazine/journal counts as 1 CE (or the approved amount) if you pass the associated quiz. 这些出版物的标题中通常有“杂志”或“期刊”, and they may be differentiated with month/year or issue/volume designations. 它们必须在两年的行政长官周期内出版.
    • This Reading study type does not include self-study courses that you complete for CEs by reading the course content, like a tax update course or the CFP-accepted postings on a site like kitces.它可以被归类为“课堂/网络”的学习类型.”
  • 教学/报告(记录为研究类型“报告”) – A total of 8 hours of the remaining 30 CEs to achieve the 60 CEs required (or 15 CEs to achieve 45 CEs) may be earned from presenting consumer-, 面向学生或顾问的会议, 每50分钟收费1英镑. (自我报告教学/展示CEs, you’ll list the academic institution/host organization in “Sponsored By” and the course/presentation title in “Program Name.”)
  • 写作(记录为学习类型“写作”) – A total of 8 hours of the remaining 30 CEs to achieve the 60 CEs required (or 15 CEs to achieve 45 CEs) may be obtained by authoring a publication. Any article or book published by an independent third party will earn 2 CEs. 写博客, 公司通讯和网站的文章, 立法回应不被认为是“公开的”.(自我报告写作ce, you’ll list the publisher/publication in “Sponsored By” and the book/article title in “Program Name.”)
  • 公益服务(记录为研究类型“公益服务”) – A total of 4 hours of the remaining 30 CEs to achieve the 60 CEs required (or 15 CEs to achieve 45 CEs) may be earned by providing free, no-strings-attached financial advice and planning for underserved people, 包括低收入个人和家庭, 军人/退伍军人(参见为英雄建造家园), 家庭暴力幸存者, 以及受自然灾害影响的人们, 严重的医疗危机, 或破产. This pro bono service must be provided by or in conjunction with a volunteer CFP professional. (自我报告公益服务ce, you’ll list the coordinating agency in “Sponsored By” and the type of service in “Program Name” – debt management, 预算计划, 抵押贷款或大学储蓄计划评估, 退休体检, etc.).

NAPFA CEs可以接受哪些课程?

作为总CE要求的一部分,请在您的 总结报告NAPFA学习中心, at least 30 CEs (or 15 CEs for those joining on or after July 1, 2025):

  • 是否需要来自NAPFA或NAPFA批准的来源
  • Must be from live programs or recorded/self-study courses (excluding reading trade journals/magazines) that are offered by/accepted by NAPFA, CFP®, 非洲金融共同体, 注册会计师, 继续教育, 俱乐部, EA, ChFC, CIMA, 中集, CPWA, c反应蛋白, RICP, CDFA, AIF, IAR或州许可要求. 您将在“课堂/网络”的学习类型下报告这些ce NAPFA学习中心



  • NAPFA uploads your CEs earned from attending NAPFA educational programs. NAPFA的参赛时间为50分钟,得分为1分,得分为0分.每25分钟的教学可获得5个学分.
  • You may self-report the information for all other CEs earned outside of NAPFA. Enter complete information for each unique session (does the CE information you entered match what’s on the documentation you’d submit for proof of attendance if you’re chosen for the NAPFA CE audit?).

我知道我需要为我报告的每个CE选择一个主题领域. 这些是什么??

作为参与者, you are best suited to evaluate the content of your programs; pick the NAPFA subject area (在这里查看定义). If a program covers more than one subject area, pick the predominant one from the list:


You can generate Certificates of Completion by clicking on the purple “Download” button next to each course in your 教育历史. 任何CFP®ce, NASBA CPEs or IRS CEs offered through these NAPFA sessions are noted on the Certificates 在 required format. (Per IRS regulations, IRS CEs earned are rounded down 到 nearest whole number.)


在每两年制教育周期结束时, a percentage of members are randomly selected to undergo an audit of their CEs. NAPFA recommends that you maintain a copy of all your self-reported CE materials for six months after the close of a CE cycle in case you are chosen for audit. Those who are audited must submit the appropriate documentation for each self-reported CE .

Acceptable audit documentation for all courses earned outside of NAPFA includes:

  • For the 30 CEs (or prorated 15 CEs) from approved sources: Certificates of attendance/completion, or your CFP® CE report from the CFP® Board or CE report from other approved CE sources.
  • 对于自我报告课程的余额-上述任何一项,或:
    • Receipts for registration fees, email registration confirmations, or participants’ agendas
    • 通过期刊/杂志测验的证明, 已发表文章的副本, 演讲者的合同/确认书/节目单
    • For pro bono service, confirmation of assignment, while maintaining client confidentiality


CE扩展. 你可向行政长官延期申请 NAPFA教育部门 when available and complete/submit it for consideration by the stated deadline. Extensions will grant the members until April 1, 2026, to complete their CEs. Please note that CE扩展 are granted for extreme circumstances; acceptable reasons include:

  • 成员或近亲的严重疾病
  • 顾问办公室遭受火灾或洪水破坏
  • 数据泄露
  • 其他对会员或其业务造成灾难性影响的事件

成员 approved for an extension may still be included 在 required CE audit; members to be audited will be chosen at random in early January 2026.