Board of Trustees - Executive Committee

NAPFA基金会董事会通过无偿的金融建议来推动我们促进消费者金融教育的使命. Trustees serve a two-year term. 理事会通常每月召开一次电话会议,讨论基金会的方向并决定优先事项. Trustees also serve on a committee of their choice.


Danielle Seurkamp, MS, MPAS®, FBS®, CFP®

丹妮尔是俄亥俄州辛辛那提市Well Spent Wealth Planning的负责人和创始人. 她在人生的各个阶段为个人和家庭提供建议和支持. 她的热情是帮助人们通过充分利用他们的财务和非财务资源来实现和享受财务成功. 她拥有财务规划硕士学位,并持有注册财务规划师的三个专业证书, a Master Planner Advanced Studies®, and a Certified Financial Behavioral Specialist®.


Vice President
Michael Joyce, CFA®, CFP®

Michael is founder and President of Agili. As such, he is responsible for overall investment strategy, management of investment portfolios and financial counseling services. Michael received a B.S. 在宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得金融学位,在德雷塞尔大学获得工商管理硕士学位. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst. Michael is former chair of the NAPFA National Board of Directors, and past president of the NAPFA Foundation. Michael目前还担任里士满论坛投资委员会主席, and as member of the Endowment Committee for Lead Virginia.

Secretary / Treasurer
Jamie Milne, CFP®

Jaime创立了Milne Financial Planning,并在1996年成为NAPFA的成员,此前他曾担任MassMutual的代理和银行业务. As a “happy and solo” practitioner, Jamie has three offices in Vermont: South Burlington, Barre and St. Johnsbury. Jamie is currently Secretary/Treasurer of the NAPFA Foundation. He also served on the NAPFA National Board of Directors from 2002-2005, and as chair of the NAPFA National Board of Directors in 2004. In addition to his services with NAPFA and the NAPFA Foundation, 杰米是林登维尔塞迪斯史蒂文斯学校的财务主管, Vermont, as well as secretary of the St. Johnsbury Rotary Club.

Board Liaison

Michael D. Gibney, AIF®, CFP®, CAP®

Michael D. Gibney是Modera Wealth Management, LLC的负责人和财富经理. Michael是一名专业的注册财务规划师,并获得了AIF®-认可投资受托人®专业称号和慈善事业特许顾问®专业称号. 他曾担任NJ Metro多发性硬化症协会董事会的治理主席,至今仍是活跃的成员. 2010年,他担任新泽西州财务规划协会主席;2011-2013年,担任新泽西州Metro多发性硬化症协会董事会主席.

Consumer Liaison

Dr. Kristy Archuleta, PhD

Dr. Kristy Archuleta是乔治亚大学全国首屈一指的财务规划项目的副教授,也是持牌婚姻和家庭治疗师. Prior to joining the faculty at UGA in August 2018, 她是堪萨斯州立大学个人财务规划项目的副教授和项目主任. Her research and teaching interests relate to financial therapy, couples and money, and effective mechanisms to improve financial and overall well-being. 她是金融治疗协会的联合创始董事会成员和前任主席, current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Financial Therapy, 并合编了两本书:《三亿体育app》和《三亿体育app》, Theory, Research, and Practice. Dr. Archuleta还担任NAPFA董事会的董事和消费者代表.


Tom Bradley

Tom Bradley oversees the ASG segment of Schwab’s advisor business, 为资产管理规模超过3亿美元的独立注册投资顾问提供定制的托管支持服务。他负责TD Ameritrade顾问服务的托管业务,并将该业务整合到嘉信理财. 汤姆在TD Ameritrade工作了30年,主要是为独立顾问服务,. 在担任TD Ameritrade零售分销部门总裁之前,他曾担任TD Ameritrade机构业务总裁12年. 汤姆毕业于里士满大学罗宾斯商学院.

Amy E. Irvine, CFP®, EA, CCFC, MPAS®

Amy is the Founder/Owner of Rooted Planning Group. 艾米在她的金融职业生涯中有各种各样的经历,并成功地过渡到开设自己的公司, the Rooted Planning Group in 2016. 她目前在南方妇女基金财务委员会任职, the Endowment Committee for ART's Council of the Southern Finger Lakes, 以及康宁画后历史学会,此前曾在斯图本县的“信仰行动”委员会任职, 康奈尔大学合作推广人类生态委员会委员.

艾米一直致力于通过教育使职业更加多样化,这一点从她参与NAPFA教育委员会和之前在XYPN多元化委员会的任职中得到了证明. 她期待着成为NAPFA董事会的成员,并相信领导力不是关于一个行动或一个人, but “how a group of individuals can collaborate to grow.”

Susan Hodges Strasbaugh, CFP®, EA

Susan is a Wealth Advisor with Buckingham Strategic Wealth. Prior to merging her firm with Buckingham in 2018, Susan was the CEO of Strasbaugh Financial Advisory, Inc.她于1998年创立了一家收费的金融和投资咨询公司. Susan毕业于南加州大学,获得工商管理学士学位. She previously served on NAPFA’s Women’s Initiative Committee, 目标是让更多女性进入金融服务行业.

苏珊还被《安卓版下载》评为最具影响力的女性, and currently serves on the Board of Directors for Care & Share, the food bank for Southern Colorado.

John Wenzel, CFP®

John Wenzel is the co-founder of Archvest Wealth Advisors. 约翰通过承诺为公司的每一位客户服务,展示了他对财务规划的热情. 加入Archvest之前,John曾在一家注册投资咨询公司担任财务顾问. He is a NAPFA Registered Advisor, and a Certified Financial Planner. John has served on the NAPFA West Region board, served in multiple NAPFA committees, 他是当地扶轮社的董事会成员,也是希望680的董事会成员, a ministry dedicated to helping the homeless. 约翰喜欢把时间花在当地扶轮社以及财务规划行业的志愿服务上. He is actively involved in his local church and enjoys photography, mountain biking, and golf when given the opportunity.